Wednesday, November 10, 2010

she is here, she is finally here!

Welcome: Lucy Grace Nugent!
Born: 10-26-2010
8lb 6oz
18 3/4 inches

After much anticipation and out of sheer hatred of pregnancy, Lucy Grace Nugent entered into the world two weeks ago. One day after my due date I was induced. At her size and position (OP) I wouldn't have made it any longer.

Lucy's Birth Story:
I headed to the hospital the night of the October 25th with pretty strong contractions. They were strong, but not progressing. I was still only dilated between a 3-4. They admitted me that night because I was scheduled to come in at 7am the next morning anyway.

Note to self: sleep is much more comfortable in my bed than a labor/delivery bed. Not a great night sleep for Matt or I. He was curled up on a stiff IKEA sized couch and forgot to pack shorts. He ended up sleeping in his jeans. I was up all night with all the back labor and the delivery beds are NOT comfortable.

The next morning I showered, flat ironed my hair (if you saw the last birth pictures with Jax you'll know why, they were awful and my greasy hair was a mess). I ate breakfast and took my last walk before they officially broke my water. When they broke my water and started the Pitocin I was still pretty confident I would go natural. I didn't with Jax, but thought the second baby birth might be a bit easier and shorter.

I labored everywhere I could think of from the medicine ball to the rocking chair to all fours and to the toilet. Finally, when I was throwing up and my contractions were right on top of each other that it hurt to get out of bed, I gave up. I was about 7-8 cm and not progressing. After I got the epidural, I watched a show, listened to music and just hung out with my awesome delivery team. About an hour after the epidural Lucy was crowning and I was ready to go. Three pushes and she was out. Very little tearing and trauma. She was beautiful and nursed right away.

She entered the world to "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N Roses an accidental shuffle of tunes coming across my not-so-genius Genius playlist. Just hope she stays far away from the drug influences suggested by the lyrics.

I guess I am a bit of a wuss compared to all of my sisters and mom that have had natural childbirths for all of their babies. In someways having that epidural the first time jinxed me, I just knew how good it feels and how different the labor feels with it (maybe I was influenced inter-utreo by messages of music in the 70's).

8.6 chubbers
proud parents
delivery dream team
2 days old


melissa walker said...

Congratulations! She is very cute!

Anne said...

She's beautiful. Congrats!!

Sheree said...

Welcome Beautiful Baby Lucy! Your Winger cousins are so excited to meet you. (and see pictures of the nursery;)

And you are absolutely not a wuss. It sounds like you had a fabulous labor! Getting to the point you did with pitocin contractions and back labor is amazing.

Angela said...

She is so cute and you totally crack me up! Love you!

Aimee said...

I love hearing birth stories no matter if they are natural, epidural, c-section. It is a beautiful process no matter what.

She is so beautiful! She fits right in with you all.

Kellie said...

Yeah I am so happy for you. She is so beautiful and I can't wait to have one of my own someday. You are brave to even attempt the natural route. God bless epiderals for me, I was crying at a 2 so I know I could never do it. Thank you for your thoughtful messages. Know I am so happy for you and can't wait to hear from ya so we can catch up on details. xoxo

Katie said...

SHE is sooo beautiful!!!!

Cameron said...

What a beautiful baby! We miss you guys so much. If Auburn makes it to Arizona, we'll have to come over and see y'all!

jacey said...

So happy for all of you! Congratulations. Do NOT feel like a pansy for an epidural, especially after all you already went through. You rock!

I am Laura said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is beautiful.

Michelle said...

You look so beautiful in all your delivery photos! I always look hammered after I deliver, you are glowing and beautiful...and of course baby Lucy is a doll. Love her. NEED MORE PHOTOS!

Ambur said...

Congratulations!! She is so cute. Hope all is well. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!