Monday, November 5, 2007

November Is Here...Eek

I get excited when I have a lot to look forward to, but I also get a little overwhelmed. We have a busy month. All fun stuff. Zak, Matt's younger brother, is getting married in two weeks. Jax and I leave for Utah tomorrow. After the wedding, we fly home and Matt's family comes here for Thanksgiving. That's right Martha and I are hosting Thanksgiving! We should have at least 15 people join us. If the temps stay what they've been we will be eating turkey and stuffing pool side!


Bill Tanna Ava Fox said...

I want to join you poolside for Thanksgiving!! you'll do great cooking dinner... so you're in Utah right now while me, Ava and my trusty lap top are here in cali :( miss you! Have I told you how much I love your guts?

Aimee said...

With Martha on your team I'm sure it will turn out great!

melissa walker said...

Hey Bekah--I got here from the Claytons! I'm glad to find you so we can keep up with all you're doing!
(do you mind if I link your blog from ours?

Bill Tanna Ava Fox said...

OK after you've planned your menu for Thanksgiving, I have an assignment for you on my silly I know, but kinda fun!

Heidi said...

Where do I start? Wow! I don't know how I came across your blog, but I'm glad I did. You're family is darling! Remember the good ol' days? All the trouble we got into? Funny! Thought I'd say Hi. Good Luck with everything.
Heidi Hasleton (Peterson)

Michelle said...

Bekah - :-( so sad we won't be dining together this year. You are my go-to gal for the best Turkey on the planet. So this year I'm flying solo with the flightless bird. I'll be calling you for advice on the brine soak. ...send me your directions when you get a chance, would you? Man I wish you were here to take over.