Saturday, April 5, 2008

Tagged by Meesh

What is your Hubby's name? Matt

How long have you been together? Married for six years in June, including dating we have been together for almost 8 years. Our first "date" if you could call it that (Matt didn't pay) was at the IMAX theater. Matt called me the night before and invited me to the Top Gun with a bunch of both our friends. I didn't bring my purse because I figured I didn't need it. When we were standing in line he was excited because he had a free movie pass. I realized he wasn't planning on paying for me, so me and my girlfriend snuck in. That "dating know-how" he never quiet figured out.

Who said I love you first? Matt. We had been dating for 3 months. It was right around Thanksgiving.

Who is smarter? Probably him (it pains me to admit it).  I'm better business minded and definitely more artistic. He can learn how to do anything. He taught himself how to wire our house from the 1-2-3  Electrical book from Home Depot. He is smart in a lot of ways. But, I always like to pretend like I'm smarter.

Who does the housework? Me. Although Matt is a HUGE contributor to our home. Surgeon by day, electrician, landscaper/sprinkler repair man, wood worker, painter by night. He does it all. All the neighborhood men are a little jealous of his skills.

Who sleeps on the right? Me, always.

Who pays the bills? I'm trying to take it over. He has paid them since we got married. I'm learning Quicken.

Who cooks dinner? Me I LOVE to cook and think about crazy concotions. I hate recipes. He is awesome at breakfast, especially swedish pancakes and waffles.

Who drives when you are together? Always Matt.

Who is more stubborn? For sure me. Although, we are both pretty stubborn. We both always want to be right, a cause for conflict in our marriage.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me first. He tried to go in for a kiss on the first night. Not that I didn't kiss plenty of boys on the first night, but I DENIED him. Only because I really like him and I didn't want it to be just a fling (oh and because I was dating someone else). He remembers it differently. Two days later we kissed. 

Who proposed? He did - it was the best day ever! I had severe bronchitis and went to the DR that morning. When I got home my Dad told me I should shower and get ready, I looked at him utterly confused. Next thing I knew I was blind-folded by his friends and taken on a scavenger hunt down "memory lane." Starting out at a Olympus High School, then to Skyline High School, next to Downtown SLC and so on. Each place had a rhyming poem and key people from my past. He even had my best-friend Rose and her boyfriend following us filming the days events. The best clue was downtown SLC, he had his older brother Adam dress like a homeless person holding a sign that detailed the next clue. Adam had coke bottle glasses on and grungy clothes, I would have never recognized him. It was awesome. Oh wait, maybe the best clue was his friends in their underpants running around in the snow (with the clue in their underpants). Yes it was very random. After a full day of scavenger hunting, the last clue was an invitation to dinner at the restaurant at Hotel Monaco. He was so nervous during dinner. After dinner we went to temple square. At that point, I was getting anxious. Enough already get on your knees and propose!!! But nope. Next stop The Nugents. At his house he composed a song for me and played it on the piano. It was beautiful. To top it off he had his backyard decorated with Christmas lights, playing "our song," he finally knelt down and proposed. Watching from the porch were all of our family and friends. IT WAS AWESOME!!

Who has more siblings? Me - I have 5 (8), he has 3.

Who wears the pants? For sure me.

I tag Katie Hadfield, Sarah Rogers, Heather Staley & Heidi Ogao


Sheree said...

So fun to hear about your first date story! That is funny.

I loved the song Matt composed! He is so talented at the piano, and that was such a fun day!

JA said...

I agree with your sis. What cute pics of you guys also! It is so much fun to see all of your pictures. You are much more organized than myself. Your blog is awesome!

Unknown said...

Cute pics and what an AWESOME proposal and so cool to have it on video.

BTW, I did the tag a long time ago.

Check it out:

Abi said...

Bekah! Thanks for you post! And I loved LOVED your engagment night story. Really one of the BEST ones ever! Jax is such a good blend of you two!!