Saturday, April 5, 2008

The "Tri"

You might have thought by the title of this post I was going to blog about a recent triathlon Matt and I ran. Actually no. I am speaking of the "trifecta" of disease that has affected our little guy over the last few months. 

  • First, croup hit in January. He was so sick. It broke mine and Matt's hearts that we had to pin him down every night to give him breathing treatments. 
  • Next, towards the end of January and on thru his birthday he had double ear infections and RSV. We never did get around to having a big birthday bash because Matt and I were sick as well. 
  • Then in the middle of March he caught Rota virus. If your not familiar with this one, it basically tears out your insides. Poor little guy had severe diarrhea & throwing up for over two weeks.
On a positive note, he is feeling much better and back to his crazy, hyper and happy self. WHOOO! I am much more sane when he is healthy. Aren't we all?

1 comment:

Sheree said...

Man, I hate having sick kids--it is just so sad to see their normally giggly happy faces unresponsive.

I am glad he is feeling better!