Sunday, September 16, 2007

New Fun Blog: CrabMommy

I blogged yesterday of my troubled day. I'm still working on the attitude of gratitude. In the meantime, I uncovered this awesome "whinny" mom's blog: and Unlike her, I do love Motherhood, but it is fun to hear her vent about Motherhood woes. I especially love the piece about the The Martyrmeter.™ I would be the 1st to own one - as my sisters all know I love to compete.

Every new set of parents plays the martyr game. Which of you is doing more? Is it the breadwinner slogging through a deadly job to provide the dough? Is it the stay-at-homer, dealing in tantrums, playdates, and interminable wiping of orifices?
Don't argue. Get a MartryMeter™!
A two-pack handset (one per parent) and docking station combo, the MartyrMeter™ takes the guesswork and arguing out of the competition for the title, Most Put-Upon Parent. Simply log your activities into the handset (see attached sheet of coded chores); at day's end, plug the handset into the docking station, where the MartyrMeter™ will compute your daily miseries and stack them against your spouse's. Rest assured, our computational device has been programmed for complete accuracy. Winners may rest their case!
Note: the MartyrMeter™ Deluxe Edition® comes with a built-in lie detector. Do you suspect your spouse of fudging numbers and fibbing about times? Does parent-on-duty say the baby woke at 5am but you think it was probably closer to 6am? Just grab that Meter, and let our patented motion and heat sensing technology track your spouse's blood pressure while he or she holds the handset. If he's lying, we've got his number! Game Over!!


Michelle said...

I love the MartyrMeter--who wouldn't want one to validate their hard work and effort? I especially relate to the part about "fudging the numbers" around what time the baby woke up. It's like a fish-tale--the number gets earlier and earlier every time the story is told! Too funny. Thanks for sharing.

Brooke & Travis Williamsen said...

Reba, You and Matt's little stinker is so freaking cute. I have not seen you in about 6 years but hey it is just another day. I feel the same way that you do it is hard work and I feel like I never get a break. Well I am glad that I can come on here and keep up on everyone's lives. Love ya!

Angela said...

Well since I'm an Adair, everyone knows we stick to the dead-on truth. Do I say I got up in the night at 4:30? No, I say 4:37--exactly how the clock reads! So therefore I know I'm always telling the truth. I'm always a little suspect of Dan's figures -- he says He got up at 4:30. That's just a little too clean. So if he's going to fudge, you know it's going to be to his benefit. So most likely it was 4:44!!! He got a full 7 minutes more of sleep than me!!

Actually, those days are in the past for us for the most part and it is a beautiful thing!! Even better, the night before last Dan said he was up with Nick three times. I was able to look at him and in all innocence say, "Wow! I didn't even hear him!!" The tables sure have changed! Yea! I love to sleep through the night!

Sheree said...

I love it! Where can I get me one of those? Then I'll really know if Simone has been "screaming the whole time" or if it was just the last five minutes.

Too funny!

Amanda said...

Bekah! It's probably very rude and pathetic of me to come and hear you all speak of my MartyrMeter but I am the sort of blogger who is constantly checking her technorati to see if anyone wants to make me her new BFFblogger. Thank you for the shout out! Just for the record though: obviously the Crabmommy also loves's just that I blog only about the misery. And boy do I love to complain, as you well know.

Thanks again for reading Cmom, and people, please stop by and enter my monthly competitions. One day one of you WILL win a MartyrMeter! Until then, let's keep on whining at our menfolk...and fudging those numbers. :)

Crabmommy said...

oops. I had the wrong sign in. That WAS me, the Crabmommy just now, postng as some chick called Amanda!